Thursday, July 14, 2011

Followers, Library, Book, & Tutoring

Wow! Three followers! I've very happy to have 3 followers and have so many ideas and things I would like to share with everyone out there in the blogosphere!

However, I just finished a four class tonight on Emotional and Behavior Disorders, so my brain is a bit loopy at the moment. :) So, I'm planning on posting pics of my classroom library to go with the linky party at one of the blogs I follow- can't think of which one right off hand, but I will definitely link up when I can.

I also have a whole bunch of ideas to share from both my grad classes and what I'm using with the two students I am tutoring this summer. By the way, I am having a BLAST working with these two. One is an identified special education student who was in my 2nd grade class 2 years ago. She is spunky, and sassy, and a whole lot of fun, but definitely full of personality and keeps me thinking of ways to motivate her. The other kiddo is a general education student who I had just for math class 2 years ago, but had his twin sister in my homeroom. I just started working with him this week- he loves math, but struggles with reading and being motivated by it. So we are working to improve both areas, but especially reading.

Which brings me to... The Book Whisperer. I keep seeing all the TBA [Teaching Blog Addict] peeps post about this, so naturally I was curious and just picked it up from the library today. I am excited about it and can't wait to start it next week after my last summer class is kaput for the summer! [Only 1 group paper, a few discussion board posts, a self-eval, 1 class, and 1 final and I am done for the summer!] Then I get 4 weeks of no grad school classes! Excited! Also looking forward to hearing about my practicum placement.

So there is hopefully enough to keep my lovely readers captivated!! :) Hope you are having a wonderful, sunny summer so far!

Smiling Teacher

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