Sunday, October 3, 2010


I finally was able to start subbing last week. It's a strange balance to work and work on classes. Very strange, but I'll get the hang of it.

Last week I was able to sub in a Kindergarten class in a district I subbed in 4 years ago. AMAZING. I wasn't even nervous!! When I arrived in that classroom, I realized I had subbed for that teacher before. She has a very structured day, but it works.

There are only 20 kids in that K class. 20!! More boys than girls. These kids were QUIET in the hall. I mean they were SILENT. And we passed other classes and those classes were silent too. It was so WEIRD. At my prior school it was NEVER quiet in the halls. Noise ALL the time. This was a wonderfully new experience.

These kids listened, they, for the most part, were well behaved. The biggest "problem" was one of the boys called another boy "stupid". At my prior school, we have kids who throw desks and chairs and hit teachers.

During lunch- yes, a LUNCH BREAK! 50 minutes! Shock! Awe! I was able to eat, not inhale, my food AND read a little bit for one of my classes!! Anyway, during lunch, one of the 1st grade teachers was talking about how one of her students was down in the P's office because she was "playing". I wanted to be all, PLAYING? PLAYING?!? I can't even form words that was so... I don't know what the word is other than out of the ordinary for me.

SO this week, I am back at my last school subbing for them. What they are having me do is sub in a 4th grade pull out room. They are pulling out 11 of the lowest 4th graders and having them work on math, reading, and writing. And this is the best part: I GET TO DECIDE HOW TO DO EVERYTHING!!!!!! I totally can't believe it! Granted, I have the math curriculum textbook to guide me on what to teach, but it is NOT scripted. Seriously wonderful. AND for reading I don't have to teach DI. Wahoo!!!! I'm planning a Literacy block (sort-of) where I'm going to have the kids work in small groups and have one group work on writing while I work with the other group on reading and have a spelling practice station. And when they come in, I'm going to have a review math problem on the board or a review sheet on their desk to get their brains started and if they need to go to the bathroom this is when they go. And then we start the lesson. They get the modified math homework, but that's ok. I think I will probably let them start the packet of homework, but they will still have some problems to do. And after both math and lit block, I want do board races/games to keep them excited and make it FUN. Because this should be fun for them, not a punishment or anything like that.

Woo. That was a long thought process. I'm only doing this sub job Mon-Thurs 12:30-3. Friday I sub in 2nd grade, and I totally know that curriculum, so no worries. And I hear this is a good 2nd grade group, so yay!

Next week is mid-terms. Ick. Not sure what to think, but excited that I can review everything I've learned and don't have to read anything new for a bit. AND I can work on my projects. YAY.

Ok I think that is all for now. Wish me luck tomorrow. I fear I am starting to get sick (sore throat, really tired, achy-ish body) so I'm doing my best to get better. FAST.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Grad School

I've been a long time in writing, but a lot has happened.

At the end of the school year, I resigned from my position at that school. I was so stressed out and just couldn't imagine going back and dealing with all that drama anymore.

I spent a summer running around and just enjoying being free.

I signed up for graduate school in July. I'm working on my Masters in Special Education with add-on licensure in Mild and Intense Interventions. After having worked the past few weeks on 2 classes for Intense Interventions and 1 class for Mild Interventions, I have discovered that I far more enjoy and like the Mild Interventions class. I think the Intense Interventions is for a different type of personality than me and with my back problems I've had recently (and for a while), I don't think I am the best fit for that teaching area. I have definitely learned alot though and will finish the 2 classes I am currently taking.

I've applied for a few different jobs, but haven't heard anything back. I recently applied for a long-term sub position in a 2nd grade classroom. I've excited about that, just hope I hear something. In the mean time, I have training coming up for substitute teaching in the district I went to school in. It was a long time coming- 5 weeks! and I even had to get fingerprinted!- but I'm excited.

I was able to talk with a teacher/friend I worked with at my old school the last few days. She learned in July that she is pregnant with her 2nd child. She has asked the assistant principal if I would be able to be added to the sub list for that school and the a.p. said I would, and they even want to talk to me about an aide position. This friend very, VERY much wants me to do her maternity leave. I wish I could just say yes. There are a few things that are holding me back. 1) I'm out of that school, and I don't want to go back to all the drama that lives there! 2) She plans week to week, sometimes day to day, and while I am not the world's most forward thinker, I can't live like that! She would have to plan more in advance for me, especially since it is Kindergarten!! I did say I would think about it, I just don't want her to keep pushing it at me.

I've continued to read a few other people's blog posts, who are teachers, and I even went back and read what I wrote. I do miss the planning instruction and being creative with the kids. I don't miss the drama. Does a school exist that doesn't have drama??

I have a few projects for my classes I need to work on. Hopefully I won't be so long in writing again!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This week I am administering ISTEP to our SPED 4th graders. They put one of the aides in my room (for the majority of the time) while I was ISTEPing.

This particular aide is 8+ months pregnant.

When I found out she was going to be in there, I told my mom that my class would probably send her into labor.

She made it through today.

Her water broke on her way home from school.

Holy crap...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Power Hour Update

Last post I posted about our Remediation/Enrichment time (aka Power Hour). Here's the update:

Last week was our first week (for K-2). It was EXTREMELY challenging to begin.. very little direction, coming up with the focus of the time on our own without guidance, not understanding what we were expected to be doing (in terms of assessment).

After we started, we were THEN given direction on where to go. Actually after the majority of the week had passed we were given direction. How bass-ackwards can we get?

Today, I got to meet with my reading kiddos for Power Hour for the first time since last Wednesday. I did do a few things more spur of the moment, but had thought of them prior, just hadn't planned them completely out. During some previous lessons (with other groups), I have always found this works pretty well for me.

I have 16 kiddos in my group-- which I have to say I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! I divided them up into 4 groups of 4. I read them a book today, just to start of the session. I think I will try to do this every time. I also think it helps them process vocabulary and having someone read to you was always one of my favorite activities.

I then broke them up into groups and told them the centers they were going to be doing:

1. A partner reading center in the library. *I think I will have to adjust this one. I want to do something with a listening station, but haven't figured out quite how.

2. A word family station. They create a bubble map using the word family in the folder they are given. After they have a few words or so, they create a story using those words. Ex. -ug family: The snug bug slept in the rug. He said, "Ug!" when someone pulled the plug on his coffee mug. (Not my best, but you get the idea! :) )

3. An extension of the read aloud station. They were to take the book we read and find their favorite page. Then they were to come up with a different sentence for that page. Then they could draw their own version of the picture. *This may need to be adjusted. I think I may need to add all our read alouds and then they can choose the book they want to work with. This will reduce down time of them fighting over who gets to look at it.

4. The last center was working with me. I bought a book of small stories with reading comprehension stories from our teacher store. The stories are fairly simple and short. They include 4 comprehension questions. With the 3 kiddos I worked with today, it was PERFECT! I was able to hear these 3 kids read and we worked on understanding the story. We also worked on reducing the number of choices in a multiple choice question by eliminating obvious wrong answers.
After we went over the questions, there was still a little time left, so I had them flip their paper over and divide it into 4 boxes. In box one, they were to tell me a story (any they wanted- they had asked). In box 2, they were to draw a picture of their story. In box 3, they were to draw a picture of the story we had read. In box 4, they were to find any word on the word wall that they could read and write it down. (We have a LOT of words.)

What do you think so far? I like a few of the things I'm doing, but I don't feel like I ever have time to plan. My health issues this year have taken a toll on me. Not to mention the rough group in my homeroom. I'm just frustrated, but learning.

Any suggestions for other centers? Thanks!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stressed... the new four letter word

Is it possible for 'them' to ask us to do anymore???

We've added a remediation/enrichment time to our daily schedule. An HOUR.

As if we didn't have enough to do before, we have more kids to teach because the groups are based on their scores from a test they took.

We have to make goals with the kids about how to improve their scores. Yes, I have to do this with 1st and 2nd graders. 7 and 8 year olds! They don't understand what their score means. I don't always understand what they mean.

AND we have to make a pre/post assessment and assess every 2 weeks. EVERY 2 WEEKS!!!! If we are assessing every 2 weeks, when are we supposed to be doing the instruction that we are assessing??

AND we have to make a graph to put in the hallway to show how we are growing. WTF?!?!?!? SERIOUSLY!!!

UGH. Signing off now before I keep going. So ready for this school year to be complete.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pretty good 1st day back. But I think they were still in their Christmas comas. :)

Fav line of the day:

"Miss C! My hair is sweating!" :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Where Did Winter Break Go?

Here we are. In the final hours of what someone has the nerve to call "Winter Break".

I laugh.

Winter Break they say?

As if.

I only just got relaxed! There are only a few hours left before I have to head to bed at a "decent" hour so I can wake up at an ungodly hour and take my butt to school. And teach.

I still haven't done the planning I wanted to accomplish to get me all the way to Spring Break.
I still haven't read 22 of 25 students writing projects that were supposed to be completed before break. (I still don't think I even have them all.)
I still haven't gotten to catch up with all my friends that get put on the back burner during the school year.
The list continues, but I will spare you.


One of my goals for the second half of the school year is to start thinking more ahead and planning more exciting activites for my munchkins. I know we get lost in day to day grind, but I think if I tried to plan an exciting activity once per week (or maybe every other) that would help us get through the mundane day to day stuff. I know that oncer per week doesn't sound like a lot, but.... right now that's all I can manage. If I realize I can manage more, then I will definitely pull out all the stops to get it accomplished!

Another goal is to be more patient. I really don't feel like I was as patient with this class as I have been in the past.

December was a tough month for me; personally and professionally. Health problems bled into my classroom and caused the month to be extremely challenging. Said health problems haven't been resolved, but are getting closer. Hopefully.

Ok. Guess I should stop procrastinating and be productive.

Good luck as everyone starts heading back to school this week. If you are the lucky ones that don't head back to until Tuesday or Wednesday (or later??), be productive! If you are like me, and heading back tomorrow (after only having started vacation the Wednesday before Christmas), take lots of deep breaths, drink lots of water, and be patient. We can't teach them everything in a day.